

Why It Is Important To Know About Anti Bullying

By Linda McDonald

A lot has been said about bullying in the last couple of years. Fortunately, the situation is improving with anti bullying campaigns and petitions, but there is still a lot of work that one must do. However, there are still a lot of children suffering and much work must be done. Unfortunately, many of these kids are unable to tell anyone or feel that they can' t reach out to anyone.

Children who are young as well as adolescents are affected by this in different ways. Bullies torture children physically and they will also play with their emotions. As they get older, they will use cyberbullying to bring them down further. Parents and teachers don't always recognize this because there are no physical signs, but there are still things to look out for.

These days it is even more difficult to tell because of the advancement of technology. Cyberbullying has become big in this day and age as well, so this is also something to look into. Parents and teachers who don't know what the signs and symptoms of this are don't realize that kids are suffering in a very bad way. They will become anxious, depressed and in some cases suicidal.

These are some of the things that teachers and parents should be aware of. Fortunately, these days, adults go on workshops so that they are informed of the changes and learn to recognize the signs. Children who are victimized like this can turn to communities where other victims voice their views and have started petitions and campaigns.

There are also communities who have formed that aim to protest against bullies. Those who have been victims have now signed petitions which makes victims feel that they are not alone in the world. When bullies read what is said about various websites they may get a feeling as to what these kids are going through.

It is also important to address bullies at this young age, because their behavior would simply keep on developing into something that is more severe. As an adult a bully may develop into a person that is capable of crime. Someone who does this is often acting out after coming from a dysfunctional family and they would need help themselves.

One should also realize that bullying is something that can happen at anytime to anyone. It is natural to think that there is something wrong with you or that it is your fault. These questions will pass through your mind on a regular basis. Parents also need to be aware of these signs and offer their support.

Parents also decide to speak out, especially those folks who have a child that was a victim of this form of abuse. There are those parents who have lost a child to suicide because of this. Many parents take action, going to schools and speaking to other kids, including bullies. This has helped many children and teenagers knowing that it is not necessary to take your life.

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