

Stop Bullying Before It Is Too Late

By Henry Taylor

Nowadays every young and older person is trying to be very popular and this is really tragic for everyone living on this world. There are some people who will devote their entire life trying to stop bullying since this is one crime which seems to have no sudden end. The youngsters who go through this ordeal must face the misery on their own since it can sometimes be painful.

Many years ago there was a woman living in Chicago with her very talented and handsome son. She was under the impression that his life was going great but this was not the real truth. The very concerned mother had no idea that her child was being harassed each and every day by certain students. In the end she was horrified when she found his stiff body hanging from the attic ceiling. Every one around was also very disturbed by this event.

Unfortunately if he had been part of a support group or any other social function this event would never have happened. The students at his school did not even mention his name after this tragedy happened. Life went on as usual for these younger males and females since they do not really care about a person's feelings.

Fortunately his dear mom has kept his name alive with her great foundation which honors victims of this deadly disease. This particular woman has done many speaking engagements across the United States after her sweet son had died. She is also a volunteer at the local school within the area.

A teacher who had one of these young tough thugs in her classroom decided to place him in a cage one day. This event made the young man realize that he was soon going to jail if he did not change his wicked behavior. It was also amazing how the other children took pleasure in seeing him locked away since this made them all feel safe.

Once he was out of this gated prison the young man then turned into a completely different individual. He is now a kind and gentle soul who will go out of his way in order to make other people feel special. Fortunately the cage caused quite a difference in his personality and this was very good.

On the other side of the coin society is now seeing females act in a very peculiar fashion at different times. Unfortunately human beings are seeing young women treat other girls like dirt inside and outside of the school. The people within the film business call them mean girls.

It is also sad to state that these certain young women are far worse than the boys on many levels. Recently a gang of girls were arrested after they beat up on one lone girl. After being taken away to jail these young women vowed to never assault another human being again and this was great for everyone.

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