

ADA Home Remodeling Denver CO Amazing Ideas

By Kathleen Wallace

According to the NIA (National Institute on Aging) every one out of three senior citizens above the age of sixty-five years are likely to suffer at least one fall per year. The statistics go further to indicate that from these values, about 80percent of all reported falls occur within the vicinity of the home bathroom. Bathrooms come with cluttered floors, slippery surfaces and lack support bars, making it necessary to undertake ADA home remodeling Denver CO.

The main reason why they are prone to falling in these areas is because they tend to lack the necessary support structures such as support bars and non-slip mats. Having said this, it appears that the only sure way to prevent these falls from recurring would be to plan for a home remodel. The remodel will help in improving the safety conditions in the house making it much more friendly to people living with disabilities.

Toilet safety rails will need to be at the top of the list of changes planned for the remodel. The technology has advanced to a level that you now have two options as far as safety rails are concerned. You can have your contractor add a rail around the toilet to make it safer. Alternatively, the rail can also go on top of it. Available rails come in varying styles which means that you will likely come across something that will fit in with your current decor.

While still on the issue of rails, try and look at both attached and free-standing frames. From here, you will need to start the decluttering process. Bathrooms are some of the messiest places in any residence. The reason for this being that they hold a wide assortment of accessories ranging from lotions, toothpastes, drugs, and even shower gels. All these items are held in a series of shelves which means that one can easily knock all of them down.

If knocked down, the elderly person will have to bend in order to reach for the objects that they would like to use at that time. However, this is not easy for them due to their advanced age. Keep in mind that seniors often grapple with mobility loss and stiffness, which means that performing such activities can easily cause them to lose their balance.

Bathing tubs are another factor to consider. The traditional tub requires you to lift your legs to get into the tub. For a person with decreased mobility, this will not work, and such a person may end up falling down. The recommended solution is to go for the walk-in-tub. It comes with safety features such as a walk-in door, which eliminates the need to lift the legs.

While looking at the tubs, pay close attention to the safety aspects of each. It does not make any sense to purchase an expensive and flashy tub if it does not come with requisite safety accessories. It is something that a disabled or elderly person will greatly appreciate.

Arrange the bathroom area, and other rooms in the house in such a way that items can easily be accessed. The shelves should not be placed too high that it becomes difficult for those using wheelchairs to access what they need. Inquire about shower caddies and how they function to learn more about making items accessible.

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