Acupuncture is a very old form of healing that was in use more than 2, 500 years ago in ancient China. Regardless of this method being very old, it has become widespread in the modern society a lot. It is currently being used widely in the United States, the UK, Canada and many other Western countries. The popularity of this method continues to grow every day and more and more people adopt it. When one needs to Study acupuncture Canada should be visited.
In the United States, millions of people use this method to heal various medical conditions that they are faced with every year. The word acupuncture has its origin in the Latin language. The first part acus means needle while the second part pungere means prick. The needles used in this method are very thin like a strand of hair.
One has to carefully insert the needles along the spinal cord. The placement is done in acupuncture locations and does not follow a particular pattern. The needles are then manipulated manually by use of hands. When electrical manipulation is used to manipulate the needles, the process is referred to as electroacupuncture. Pressure, laser and heat are other energy forms that can also be used for manipulation.
While pressure is used to manipulate the needles then it is known as acupressure. The term moxibustion is used when the manipulation is done by heat. The purpose of manipulating the needles is to ensure that vital energies of the body are realigned. With the vital energies realigned back to normal flow, it is assumed that a wide range of conditions get healed.
The widespread adoption of acupuncture in the US and other western countries has led to very many clinical trials being conducted. Many scientists and researchers are also dedicating a lot of time and resources to conduct research in this field. The research and clinical trials are aimed at determining the efficiency of the method. Many academic institutions such as universities are also offering courses in this discipline.
Acupuncture as a practice was only known to the US people after the 1950s. At that time, the practice was known to a very small number of people in the US and those who had the knowledge of it never took it seriously. It was difficult for people to study this field as there were less practitioners at the time. In 1972, president Nixon however made a change to everything when he visited China.
The visit sparked a lot of interest in traditional Chinese medicine among many Americans. Also, as the number of Americans that are diagnosed with chronic illnesses increase, more interest in alternative medicine increased. This newly founded interest caught the attention of the scientific community. The political arena was later dragged into the debate and politicians were forced to act.
The establishment of the Office of Alternative Medicine in the US officially recognized complimentary medical forms. This office was established in 1992 by the US Congress. A National consensus was later published in 1997 by the Institute of Health. The consensus cited level one efficacy of using the practice to treat post-surgical pain, vomiting, and nausea.
In the United States, millions of people use this method to heal various medical conditions that they are faced with every year. The word acupuncture has its origin in the Latin language. The first part acus means needle while the second part pungere means prick. The needles used in this method are very thin like a strand of hair.
One has to carefully insert the needles along the spinal cord. The placement is done in acupuncture locations and does not follow a particular pattern. The needles are then manipulated manually by use of hands. When electrical manipulation is used to manipulate the needles, the process is referred to as electroacupuncture. Pressure, laser and heat are other energy forms that can also be used for manipulation.
While pressure is used to manipulate the needles then it is known as acupressure. The term moxibustion is used when the manipulation is done by heat. The purpose of manipulating the needles is to ensure that vital energies of the body are realigned. With the vital energies realigned back to normal flow, it is assumed that a wide range of conditions get healed.
The widespread adoption of acupuncture in the US and other western countries has led to very many clinical trials being conducted. Many scientists and researchers are also dedicating a lot of time and resources to conduct research in this field. The research and clinical trials are aimed at determining the efficiency of the method. Many academic institutions such as universities are also offering courses in this discipline.
Acupuncture as a practice was only known to the US people after the 1950s. At that time, the practice was known to a very small number of people in the US and those who had the knowledge of it never took it seriously. It was difficult for people to study this field as there were less practitioners at the time. In 1972, president Nixon however made a change to everything when he visited China.
The visit sparked a lot of interest in traditional Chinese medicine among many Americans. Also, as the number of Americans that are diagnosed with chronic illnesses increase, more interest in alternative medicine increased. This newly founded interest caught the attention of the scientific community. The political arena was later dragged into the debate and politicians were forced to act.
The establishment of the Office of Alternative Medicine in the US officially recognized complimentary medical forms. This office was established in 1992 by the US Congress. A National consensus was later published in 1997 by the Institute of Health. The consensus cited level one efficacy of using the practice to treat post-surgical pain, vomiting, and nausea.
About the Author:
If you would like to study acupuncture Canada has some of the best colleges in the country. You can find out more about this course from
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