

Reasons Why You Need Legal Videographers MI

By Kimberly Davis

The legal field is undergone many changes over the decades ago. The advancement in technology has much attributed to this changes that being felt. The quality and importance of videography are still felt today. Therefore, legal videographers MI play an important role in ensuring that videography is useful and efficient in the courts. It serves many purposes in courtrooms for all types of legal cases. Here are the advantages of using it.

It helps to demonstrate the body language for a witness. When presenting a case in the court of law which requires urgent attention, you must present more than enough facts. Having written evidence is not enough, you must produce a video to speak the witness body language. You must show the jury the reaction of the witness so that they read their emotional state.

Sometimes some witnesses may not be honest. This is attributed to many factors like witness interference which is done in many ways. Some witnesses may be threatened, others might be bought in order to divert their attention. Therefore, a witness might end up presenting evidence during the trial in the court that is contrary to what is in the video recording. Video cameras will help you impeach such witnesses because they lack integrity.

Not only businesses try as much as possible to cut on unnecessary cost, even persons. Videography helps to save one a lot of money. It is cost-effective to use video to give evidence especially when the witness is far in another country, which may be costly. Also, other experts prefer using video to give their testimonies than when they appear in person during a trial. Also, when the main witness is bankrupt and cannot be able to finance themselves to a court during court proceedings to present their evidence. Using video makes work easier and cuts on extra costs.

There are many challenges that many people that may limit them from participating in important matters. Although it might not apply to many people, others do not want to spend much if an alternative can do. Video camera helps expert costs of witness fee and traveling expenditure. Some highly qualified witnesses may not want to spend much if their witness has to travel from far and to remain for some days for trials may be high. They prefer having their testimonies on videos so as to allow repetition and use of the words during the proceedings. Therefore, it saves a lot of money.

The courts administer judgment based on evidence and not what is heard. Jurors retain what they see and not what they hear during trials. This is because jurors might want the witnesses to be handling the object in that same manner same angle as evidence in order to get a clear image. Therefore, legal videos provide tangible evidence since it is being used as a powerful tool which evokes emotions within jurors.

Witness interference is very common in many countries especially in the case of the main witness. Some might be given money in exchange of testifying wrongly during a trial. Videos will help keep the previous testimonies and can be used to track if he/she is consistent while presenting their evidence. When it is found that a witness cannot provide proof of what their testimonies, they can be impeached. Videography helps show consistency on the part of the witness.

Some witnesses are not consistent when presenting their evidence in court. Whatever they say in the video is totally different from what they presented physically in court. Therefore, you will use video to impeach them.

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