

Canada Manufactured Housing: Join The Evolution Of The Electronic Home Access System

By Rebecca Baker

We live in a time and age where home security is becoming a lot more crucial. Unfortunately, it isn t as safe as it used to be in years prior as the rise in poverty have increased the crime rates along with it. This means you will need to protect your home and your possession through something else that the ages has blesses us with, technology. These are the three-best electronic home access systems from Canada Manufactured Housing.

Back in the day home security systems were reserved for the rich, the powerful and usually the famous. As technological advances have become a lot more accessible to the everyday man this started to change. More and more homes, office buildings and parking lots started to add some access security in order to secure their premises and all their property and possessions.

Security. As if this isn t the most obvious, people tend to get access systems to protect their businesses and their homes. Having these systems in place means you have a lot more control about who comes in and out of your place. This is because no one can come into your home without some sort of entry access code or a virtual key.

Samsung digital door locks. This is one of the most trusted brands in the tech industry. They do it all, from computers, smart televisions, fridges and dryers. Their home safety device lock comes with video cameras, security sensors and exit and entry functions including SMS notifications when your entry access codes have been used, as well as being linked to a smart app for your smart device.

Call logs. As if the cameras weren t enough you also have data call logs of entry. As a result, when you issue out a code you know when the person has used it and can check the time they entered and when they exited. The information also remains backed up on the system in case you need to use it later.

Radio frequency identification (RFID) locks make use of keyfobs as well as access cards. The awesome thing about this technology is that they have hyper sensitive sensors which means you no longer have to dig through your bag in order to find the keyfob but rather it will sense it as soon as you are in proximity to the hub.

It s hard to duplicate access cards. This is a really awesome benefit because it allows you to know worry about your employees access cards being duplicated. Keys can get lost and if someone knows they are yours, there is absolutely no reason to stop them from using them. This will mean when your keys get lost or stolen, you will need to change all the door locks. This is a rather tedious and time-consuming activity which requires money to be spent.

Technology has ensured that the days of having to protect yourself with a pistol or a massive gate that surrounded your entire yard and wall so high they could touch the sky are long gone. Technology allows you to protect your place and your family with systems that have sensors, alarms, deadbolts, entry codes, boom gates, floodlights and sign-ins. This means people can t just walk in to your yard anymore.

Some electronic locks use apps which you can download on to your smart phone and monitor from anywhere. This adds extra control on your part as you can download to any device and simply click a few buttons to get yourself, friends and family in and out of the building.

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