

Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis Alabama

By Amanda Lee

Anyone having knowledge of psychology or psychiatry is most likely familiar with the work of Carl Jung, B. F. Skinner and Sigmund Freud. While originally labeled behavior modification, and developed by B. F. Skinner, the theory has now been modernized. As such, many of these professionals are using a technique known as applied behavior analysis Alabama, a theory also known as ABA.

There are two other forms of this theory which include behaviorism and experimental analysis. The first which applies to the science aspect, the second to experimental research. ABA, as it's more commonly known, works to assess the relationship between behavioral issues and the environment. Other issues could be related to biological factors like autism, a birth defect or mental illness.

In eliminating environmental factors, analysts can then research other connections which might be causing negative behavior. In some cases, individuals may need to visit a professional to obtain a diagnosis. Whether biological or scientific, the application works to bridge a communication gap which can often occur as part of the process.

Use of this theory can also be applied to animals. The principles related to this type of analysis are negative reinforcement for negative behavior and positive reinforcement for positive behavior. Animal trainers, pet owners and pet sitters most likely already use these principles without realization. For example, pet owners often give dogs treats when behaving and responding to request. By doing so, this conditions the dog to want to repeat the same behavior. Whereas, if a dog is punished for a negative behavioral issues over time, the animal often learns it is not a desired response.

Most psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists prefer to use positive reinforcement for creating change in a subject. When using these methods, it is essential to use positive reinforcement such as praise and reward when a subject shows progress. Whereas, it is also essential to use negative reinforcement when and where appropriate.

In establishing alternatives, positive reinforcement need occur on a regular basis. For example, when training a dog, the theory states to always reward improvement. Otherwise, a dog will never grasp the concepts of positive and negative response. When it comes to people, rewarding positive behaviors rather than focusing on negative ones is imperative. In instances where negative punishment must be applied, parents, guardians, caretakers or authorities need always provide a reason for punishment.

For this reason, animal trainers and pet owners may want to use conditioned re-enforcers over time. One of these includes using a clicker to bridge the communication gap between animal and human interaction. For example, it can often be difficult to train some dog breeds to walk on a leash. By using a clicker, or making a clicking sound and saying "with me, " a dog can become much better at walking along side an owner or pet-sitter.

The primary aspects of ABA are desensitization, generalization, discrimination and stimulus control. For example, the clicker used for the dog would be related to stimulus control. As such, these methodological elements can be used to help offset and transform negative behavior in animals and people. These elements, along with identifying the accurate cause can go along way in changing socially significant behavioral issues.

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