

Strategies To Champion Anti Bullying

By Laura Lee

The amount of bullying in schools normally tends to be downplayed or underestimated by most adults. What adults should in fact realize is bullying is a serious and widespread problem that needs to be addressed immediately if they are to safeguard their children and create a safer and conducive environment for learning. The following are some of the ways that Anti Bullying can be achieved.

Being keen. Warning signs are capable of telling in there are instances of bullying. Signs like lost belongings, avoidance of school, unexplained injuries, change in feeding habits, destroyed items, among others. Nonetheless, some children will not develop such signs, and others may hide them. Being keen then becomes necessary. Ensure to engage your child frequently and ask questions that encourage constructive conversation.

Do not ignore it. Never make assumptions that a situation is just a harmless tease. Be aware that different students cope at different levels, and what may be teasing to one may be actually devastating and humiliating to another. Any time a student feels threatened in one way or another, take a serious note on it and assure the child that you will be there in case he or she may be in need of help.

Reacting upon suspicion. Any time you get to suspect a confrontation between kids, make steps to make immediate intervention before even interpreting whether a problem exists or not. Assumptions that it is a simple child play that they will grow out of it will just be detrimental as some kids never grow from it, and they may turn out problematic. Any behavior you deem questionable should be addressed immediately.

Maintain calmness. While intervening, refuse taking any side. Make sure you show respectful behavior that you would expect from students. In case of a physical confrontation, ensure that no one is injured. Reassure students involved and other bystanders. Explain what requires to happen next; the bystanders should go to their respective destinations while students involved should be taken to safety.

Deal with involved students privately. Do not make attempts of solving things publicly. The students involved should not communicate to one another and bystanders should not be allowed to give their opinions. Instead, converse one-on-one with the students in question and include a bystanders to outline what happened. This will help everyone to give their side of the story independently without worrying of what the others will tell or think.

Listening without making prejudgments. Chances are high that you may suspect the wrong person. Who you may think of being the bully may actually be the victim who is retaliating. Medical condition such as untreated psychological or mental issue may also be playing a part. Rather than rush into conclusion, take time and listen to each side of the story.

Hold bystanders accountable. The bystanders normally give audience to bullies, and in fact encouraging bullying. Make them know that such behavior is unacceptable and they should join hands to ensure they stop it. Inform them that you are caring and they can always come to you any time they are victims of bullying, notice or suspect any type of bullying in school.

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