

Little Known About Continuing Education For Teachers In Pennsylvania

By Brian Wagner

Every government should learn to embrace and respect civil servants and teachers are the ones who should be given the first priority. These are the servants of the people who deliver education services and shape the destiny of every pupil or student. Every successful scholar and taken careers that are highly marketable have passed through the hands on a teacher; this includes presidents of various countries. Continuing education for teachers in pennsylvania are among the programs that help in enhancing the quality of education offered in learning institutions.

Teaching is a demanding career that is not for the faint hearted, it takes more patience and dedication to become a teacher. Teachers should be given much respect with the duties they take, these teaches vary since they do work in different institutions. There are those who work in primary and secondary schools but their title remains the same but those who work in universities and colleges have a different title, they are known as lecturers.

Education is a trend that never ends and educators are not left behind in this case. Different countries have ways of giving better pay to people who have better education and are in the civil service they also have better jobs as compared to those who have lower education standards. This is the main reason as to why educators continue with their education to get better pay which leads to better lifestyle; their chase for better pay is not in vain.

Work burdens are some of the things that makes one not enjoy the work especially educators, their desire is to have less work burden and have a schedule that they can freely adhere to. Teachers who teach in both primary and secondary schools have loads of work to do since they teach large number of pupils and students and they do it on daily basis making their work tedious. Lecturers have no work load since they are required to teach different units and they do not do it on daily basis.

It is the dream of every member of junior staff to be a notch higher in terms of employment whereby they crave for top most positions. Teachers are not left behind in our case they continue with their education till they get better positions in different departments of education. For primary and secondary schools they crave to become principals and for universities they crave for the chancellor position.

In the struggle for better education we find out several demerits that the educators face including high a fee that is required to attain the level of education they do desire. They find it hard to pay other bills and balance their studies since when their pay is not enough to cater all these needs and some end up losing the battle and drop their urge for further education. The people who depend on them find life unbearable when bills are not paid.

There are those who are able to successfully complete their education and start seeking for employment. They rarely find any positions in the employment sector and move from one institution to the other finding for job opportunities. Experience is an issue which employers demand and when one has no experience it is rare to secure a job.

The employment sector should be reviewed since it is unfair to scholars and all those who went for further studies. This includes educators who imbibe us with vast knowledge of life and makes us see the opportunities that are in education. Better pay will make the educators psyched up and they will lead us to a better tomorrow.

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