

Get To Discover More About Cyberbullying

By Cynthia Johnson

The use of electronic communication to bully a person is referred as cyber bulling. Development in the modern technology has widened the gap of mouth to mouth communication and people are joined together to form a global village. The old form of bullying is now an act of the past where bullying took place in schools and now the new media platforms is where it has raised to the higher level, cyberbullying being the new form of this kind of harrassment.

There are two types of bullying cyber and real bullying and both have consequences that affect nearly everyone in the society starting with teachers, parents and students too. Many teens are busy glued on the screens of the gadgets that help them communicate through text messages, exchange of photos and videos and also playing games online. The social network that is popularly known worldwide is Facebook since it helps people chat and share different things when they are far away from each other.

Depression is one of the consequences that cyber bullying brings forth every time a teen tries to log in a social network that feeling of having low morale jumps over them and makes it possible to do dangerous stuffs. Teens with depression can be a threat to others since their minds can make them do what is wrong especially hurting the people around them. It is therefore advisable for parents to constantly talk to their children in order to know what they are going through in the real and online world.

Wrath is another consequence that is caused by online bullying, the people who pass through it especially teens are not amicable at all since when the wrath reaches the highest levels dire consequences follows to people around them. These people include teachers, parents and their fellow students. The bullying words make them bitter when they recall how they are harassed online.

We also have cases of suicidal attempts worldwide and the largest cases are from teens that are fed up with the life they pass through. Online harassment can be too much to a point of having no reason to live and the teens end up taking away their lives. A problem shared is a problem solved hence when the teens share their problems with guardians they find a way out of the feeling of taking away their lives.

The act do happen accidentally when one persons joke can be another ones hurtful insult. One mans meat is another mans poison so goes the adage; hence, not everyone can enjoy the messages sent through social media and other memes. The recipients who receive these messages do not take them kindly at all hence one should be careful when sending unknown people messages.

One can lead to a jail term when found guilty with online bullying hence one should keep off from the trouble. Messages should be sent only to people whom one knows and this includes friends and relatives to avoid the trouble. Different recipients do interpret messages differently hence one can be sued over a message.

Teens are advised to keep in touch with their parents and speak up what is bothering them. This does help in to solve issues of online harassments and they are able to get the required advice. Let us keep in mind that a problem shared is a problem solved.

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